Yoga Poses to Combat Neck Pain

Woman doing yoga pose

In an age where more and more individuals are staring at a screen at their job, and then again when they get home, neck pain can seem almost inescapable. At any given time, 10 to 20 percent of adults will report experiencing neck pain symptoms. While pain medication and heating pads may temporarily help with discomfort, tending to the underlying issues and stretching and strengthening your muscles is important. Frequent chiropractic visits paired with the following low-impact yoga poses can decrease your neck pain and improve your range of movement in a more lasting way.

Seated Twist Pose

Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Bend your right leg and place your right foot to the outside of your left thigh. Place your left fingertips on the mat behind you and twist the base of your spine to the right. Move your elbow to the outside of your right knee to twist a little deeper. After five deep breaths, switch sides.

The seated twist pose stretches out the spine and improves the neck’s side-to-side flexibility.

Thread the Needle

Begin on your hands and knees on the mat in a standard table pose. With your palm facing upward, thread your right arm behind your left arm and stretch it out onto the mat, lowering your right shoulder to the ground. Rest your right cheek on the mat and gaze toward your outstretched arm. Keep your hips raised and relax your lower back. Hold the pose for up to one minute and then switch arms.

Thread the needle loosens muscles and releases tension in your neck and shoulders.

Forward Fold With Neck Stretch

With your feet hip-distance apart on the mat, slowly bend forward from the hips. Feel free to keep a bend in your knees if that’s more comfortable. Let your head and torso hang heavily and interlace your fingers behind your neck. Be careful not to pull, but instead let gravity and the natural weight of your arms pull you further into a stretch. Hold for about one minute.

This edition of the classic forward fold helps stretch out and lengthen your cervical spine while releasing built-up tension in the neck.


If you’re new to yoga, we suggest practicing with a trained instructor for safe and proper form, or asking your chiropractor whether or not yoga would be a positive addition to your regular adjustments.

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