Staying healthy when you’re over 50 is often easier said than done. Whether you spend your days running your business, inspiring the next generation of leaders, or trying to keep your teenagers in line, healthcare best practices often take a back seat when you have a million other things to do.
Being mindful of healthcare best practices, however, is a great way to prevent long-term health problems down the line. If you’re interested in learning more about health over 50, consider adding some of the following healthcare best practices to your routine!
Mind Your Spine
Whether you’ve been a lifelong athlete or get aches and pains from sitting at a desk all day, taking care of your spine throughout your life can keep your whole body happy and healthy. Visiting your local chiropractor to address any pain in your spine and ensure everything is aligned correctly is a great way to do this.
If you are seeking chiropractic services in Federal Way, contact us today!
Love Your Joints
If you are starting to feel aches in your body and creaks in your joints, you are not alone. According to the Arthritis Foundation, about 54 million adults have doctor-diagnosed arthritis by conservative estimates. This can also be a common issue for women during menopause.
The first place to start when combatting joint pain is to consult a healthcare professional about the best plan of action. They may prescribe you medication, help you create a workout routine, or teach you stretches for a healthy back and body!
Give Your Teeth a Little Love
Even if you’ve been a dedicated brusher and flosser for your whole life, taking extra care of your teeth after 50 will serve you for years to come. Common dental problems for patients over 50 include dry mouth, ill-fitting dentures, tooth loss, and more.
Being mindful of your oral health regime and good and bad foods for your teeth is always a good idea! Getting regular dental checkups over 50 (and throughout your life) is also key to maintaining oral hygiene. If you need dental implants or a better pair of dentures, an expert restorative dentist can help!
Hit the Gym
A regular workout routine is key to maintaining good health throughout your life. This doesn’t mean you need to be running marathons and pumping iron every day, but staying active can keep you happy and healthy for years to come. A few rules of thumb to keep in mind for your workout routine include:
- Be sure to stretch before and after your workout.
- Always warm up.
- Incorporate cardio and strength training into your workout routine.
- Take rest days.
Rethink Your Menu
If you tend to be heavy-handed with the salt or eat more takeout than you care to admit, taking a step back and assessing your diet is another great health practice over 50. Even taking a few small steps — such as adding more veggies to your dinner menus, swapping sugary drinks for their low-sugar counterparts, and being wise about processed foods — makes for a healthier diet!
Schedule Your Checkups
Preventative checkups are another key factor in staying healthy over 50. Some routine examinations that will allow you to embrace prevention as the best medicine include:
- Blood pressure assessments
- Cholesterol profiles
- Mammograms, colon cancer screenings, and other cancer screenings
- Eye exams
- Ensuring your immunizations are up-to-date
Stick to Your Sleep Schedule
Do you wake up most mornings reaching for the coffee pot or snooze your alarm more than you care to admit? While your days of being out until 3 a.m. may be long over, making a point to stick to a regular sleep routine should be a priority. A few pro tips for maintaining a good sleep schedule include:
- Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.
- Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine, especially eight hours before going to bed.
- Be active during the day.
- If you take naps, limit them to about 20 minutes
- If you have trouble sleeping at night, contact your doctor.
Soothe Your Skin
Skincare is not only important for looking great, but also for protecting your body’s largest organ. Having a healthy skincare regimen in place can help you protect your skin from various types of damage and keep it smooth and moisturized as well. Using moisturizing cleansers, antioxidant-rich lotions, and sunscreen are all great practices for maintaining healthy skin.
Listen to Your Body
If you are one to ignore aches and push through the pain, this year may be the time to change your ways. Listening to your body is a simple health practice that many of us fail to do. If you are feeling pain or discomfort, this could well be a symptom of a larger illness. Next time you are feeling a bit off-color, be sure to listen to your body and practice the self-care you need to heal.
Expand Your Health Horizons
A final health practice to consider is expanding your health horizons. Even if you make a habit of scheduling regular checkups and getting screenings, you may be missing out on some other ways to help your body feel great. To add some variety to your health regime, consider some of the following options:
At Spencer Chiropractic, we believe in helping patients of all ages live happy and healthy lives. To learn more about our practice or to schedule an appointment with one of our team members, contact us today!